Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 5 - July 11, 2013 - Albissola Marina to Rome

     Woke up very early, quick breakfast, kisses goodbye to Nino & Grace, and off to Genova with Domenico! We picked up Angela at the bottom of the mountain where she had stopped at the local bakery to pick up a package of fresh focaccia & fresh pizza! We added it to the bag that Grace had given us with water, Coke, napkins & cups - so sweet - this food was for our 5 hour train ride! They drove us to the train station and we arrived early so we had to wait for almost an hour. The train finally arrived at 8:52 am~ hugs and kisses and they made sure we got on Coach 8! (Our first time on a train like this) As we pulled away, I saw Domenico jumping and waving to us through the window!! I just love my Italian cousins!!
     The train ride was very relaxing - air conditioned, quiet and smooth.I actually slept for some of the ride and Michael read his Hunger Games book -Catching Fire.

We arrived in the Rome Termini Station at around 2:30 or so...I was a little confused but I asked a lady sitting next to me which way to walk to leave the station and how to get to the main piazza.  I stopped an ask one man (who spoke English ) where the street was and it was right behind where we were standing...this was the only time I was a little confused since the street signs are on the buildings and I didn't know that...but we found our hotel and it was beautiful!! Una Hotel Roma!! Our Globus Tour guide came right up to us and introduced herself as AIDA and told us to meet

in the Lobby at 5:30 for dinner!! We went up to Room 531 - a beautiful room, took showers, unpacked, and met back in the lobby. The first person to introduce herself was Anne from New Zealand and we both we had something in common - our birthdays were a few weeks apart! She was 22 days older than me. About 33 people in our group from Australia, America and New Zealand!
The Tour Bus was luxurious, air conditioned, comfortable seats, tray tables,lots of leg room, and WiFi - which I needed since I was using only WiFi calling on my phone and for WiFi for my Facebook and Gmail. The bus took us to Ristorante Mino for the WELCOME dinner!
We walked through the "cugina" kitchen and up into a private dining room set up very fancy with yellow linens, very pretty - AIDA layed out the rules for all of us! We call her "Mama" and we are her "bambino's" - She is very funny and been a tour guide for 21 years.  She is Italian and speaks English very well.
We were served a 5-course meal with 2 types of "vino" - red & white and a light cafe to finish the meal.  A kiss and a rose for all the Ladies!! It was fabulous food, great service, live music and fun!! Michael is the youngest in the group but we met Matt Barile, who is 22, from Australia - His family went to Molise for a family wedding first and then took this tour with us - We called them "The Italians" since there were 7 of them.  THIS IS GOING TO BE AN AWESOME VACATION!!!

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