Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 14 - July 20, 2013 - Orvieto and back to Rome

     Today is the last day of our Globus Tour (Italian Treasures) - we need to drive back to Rome to fly home tomorrow morning. We followed the Tiber Valley in order to reach our one stop in Orvieto today. Orvieto is perched high atop a volcanic rock.  We had to ride a FUNICULAR to the top of this mountain town! We walked around - had tea and pastries at a local Pasticceria when we arrived, then a pizza lunch with our group (Marc, Kay, Mike, Vibbi, & Kelsey). In the late afternoon, we returned to Rome and stayed one more night at NH Midas. We had time to rest, shower, re-pack for tomorrow.  Our driver, Flavio took us to a really nice restaurant with four Opera singers entertaining us throughout the dinner! Excellent meal with wine and ending with Tiramisu and champagne!!  The show was very entertaining and they sang "Arrivederci Roma" as we all swung our cloth napkins around for our "Farewell Dinner"

 Hugs and kisses to our driver - Flavio and our tour guide - Aida! They were excellent!!
Kisses to the rest of the people in the group in front of our hotel.
Then about 17 of us went into the ristorante and ordered drinks - wine and beer for everyone!
Anne decided to get her bottle of Limoncello that she purchased earlier that day and everyone did a "goodbye" shot with all our new friends - We laughed and had a Blast until around midnight!! This was a great group of people from Australia, New Zealand, and North America! Hugs all around and off to bed because we needed to leave the hotel at 6:00 AM tomorrow morning for a shuttle to the airport! "Arrivederci Italia!"

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