Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 11 - July 17, 2013 - Florence - Verona - Vencie Island

OMG!! We're in Venice!! BUT, we had to take a speed boat from the mainland (about 15 minutes) 12 people and our luggage! I was praying the entire time because I really don't like speed boats! It's unimaginable, very big, many tourists, very beautiful, surrounded by water and boats and canals - Our group gathered and we walked to our hotel.  Michael and I had a beautiful room - one of the best so far! Huge walk in closet and a huge shower in the beautiful bathroom - we we're happy!!
SIDE NOTE  - Michael's comment: I think you should never go on a speed boat ever EVER again!

This morning we drove to Savona - very nice town with great shopping.  We had lunch with Alex - Pizza and a greek salad in an air conditioned ristorante~
The Gondola ride was  a dream come true for the entire group! We had five boats, one accordion player and one singer - it was wonderful! In our boat - me, Michael, Alex, Jiselle and her Grandma - so much fun! It lasted about 45 minutes and we took tons of photo's and video.

Dinner was fantastic too~ We had champagne, wine , dessert & cafe, but we had tea.
We walked to St. Mark's Square and back to our hotel and called some family members (Free WiFi in the hotel)

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